02 June 2009

General Parameters

Indosat (Matrix, Mentari, IM3)

/- GPRS-Setting-Name : ISAT-GPRS
/- GPRS-WAP-Address : http://wap.indosat.com
/- GPRS-Proxy-Address :
/- GPRS-Proxy-Port : 8080
/- GPRS-Access-Point-Name : indosatgprs
/- GPRS-User-Name : indosat
/- GPRS-Password : indosat

-/ MMS-Setting-Name : ISAT-MMS
-/ MMS-Server-Address : http://mmsc.indosat.com
-/ MMS-Proxy-Address :
-/ MMS-Proxy-Port : 8081
-/ MMS-Access-Point-Name : indosatmms
-/ MMS-User-Name : indosat
-/ MMS-Password : indosat

Notes** :
1. For some phones might DO NOT need Proxy-Address and Proxy-Port (its called APN setting only) which means the device can connect automaticly through its APN.
2. For some phone which does not use Symbian as its OS but has Java MIDP on it, you should set 3rd setting and input only APN/user/password for connection which will used by Applications on it (ex: Opera, Yahoo Go!, Gmail, etc)


Anonymous said...

bisa dapat banyak settingan manual dari mana mas? salut buat websitenya

Lukman Chakim said...

dapatnya hasil iseng searching dari internet mas :) juga pada beberapa literatur dan keseharian yang pernah dilalui, terima kasih banyak mas, semoga ke depannya bisa punya lebih banyak waktu lagi untuk maintenance blog ini, salam